Aalto University is taking the lead in a cooperation project on Digital Design and Construction Technology, with Indian university IIT Bombay. The project is part of CIMO’s Asia Programme 2015 for education cooperation with China and India.
Digital design is taking a more and more prominent role in construction technologies, to which the global construction sector is trying to adapt. Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Internet of Thing (IoT), as well as additive manufacturing are enabling technologies and processes with the potential to have significant impact socially, economically and environmentally. This can lead to “benefits such as affordable housing, increased productivity, waste reduction, energy efficient built environments, and continuous performance improvement of existing buildings”, the project plan states.

Professor Devang Khakhar, Director of IIT Bombay
“This project is focused at laying the foundation for long-term educational collaboration between premier higher education institutes in Finland and India, led by Aalto University in Finland and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) in India.”
We asked Assistant Professor Vishal Singh, responsible partner from Aalto University’s department of Civil and Structural Engineering a few questions:
Vishal, could you explain the project in one sentence? The project aims to initiate a long term educational collaboration between Aalto University and IIT Bombay, especially around topics of digitalization in construction and its potential role in improving the quality and performance of built environments across different parameters, e.g. affordability, sustainability, finish, comfort and air quality, etc.
The project aims to implement BIM in the construction sector, what is BIM, and why is it important? BIM or Building Information Modelling is one of the key technological approaches leading the digitalization of construction and construction data, bringing together the capabilities of computer aided design (CAD), information management (IM) systems and collaboration platforms. BIM has the potential to support better design, management and execution of construction projects across the lifecycle. We see BIM as an enabler to bridge the gap between what we design, what we build, what we maintain, and what we need to design.
BIM also provides the platform around which other technical advancements such as direct digital manufacturing, big data, and internet of things can be effectively used to reduce the inefficiencies and waste prevalent in the construction sector and enhance the quality of the built environment throughout their lifecycle.
Will there be any opportunities for students to get involved? Yes, this project is very much targeted towards creating opportunities for students to get involved in various ways. There is opportunity for students from Aalto University to do part of their master thesis in India. Students at all levels (bachelors, masters and PhD) are expected to participate in the Aalto BIM Summer School to be organized here in Aalto in 2016 and 2017. Similarly, students from IIT Bombay will have opportunities for summer internship, summer school and master thesis studies in Finland. We have funding to support some of these activities.
In addition, we hope to create further opportunities along this direction as we go along, and any ideas or interest from students on specific areas of interest pertaining to built environment research, digital technologies and social impact are welcome. As it is, we are committed to make this a long term collaboration, which can only sustain with the active involvement of students.
This post was written by AGI